Hydro 2022
Tues. 6th - Thurs. 8th December 2022
Hydro is a yearly professional event organized on behalf of the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IFHS) and that Hydro22 edition will be, for the first the time, hosted by the Francophone Association (AFHy).

This year the hydrographic community is gathered under the banner “Towards Enhanced Responsibility”
Indeed, Hydro expertise is well recognized as one key to answer our environmental and blue growth challenges…Over the last decades, the work has been reinvented at multiple occasions, from multibeam echosounders, satellite derived bathymetry and autonomous vehicles. These innovations contributed to build a tremendous hydrospatial knowledge.
Meanwhile, the community has grown, attracting younger generations with innovative ideas and eager to enhance our Blue World.
As a conscious community, it also a duty to recognize the role and responsibility in the resilience of our climate, the access of marine knowledge and the sharing of the expertise to the widest audience.
The conference program includes demos and workshops organized on the first day as an introductory event. The following days 34 speakers, split in 9 sessions, will have the opportunity to present their latest works before sharing and developing their thoughts and visions during the 7 round tables organized.
Finally, the gala dinner on Wednesday evening, climax of the conference, will be the occasion to award the best student paper while having a good time.